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2018-03-27 S.B. min.

Selectboard -- Town of Princeton, Mass. – March 27, 2018 – 7:00 PM
– Joint Meeting with Facilities Steering Committee
        Present:  Chair Jon Fudeman, Edith Morgan & Richard Bisk w/ TA Nina Nazarian.  FSC Members: Karen Cruise, Mary Jo Wojtusik, Steve Mirick, Chris Conway, Larry Todd w/ Judy Dino as liaison. Also in attendance, Fire Chief John Bennett, Deputy Tim Kelly, and additional officers of the Fire Department.
7:05 PM Meeting with Fire Chiefs - Meeting was opened by Jon. Karen C. introduced the subject of the potential difference of opinion on the JWA conceptual plan, and what the Committee had heard relative to the Fire Department’s position on the project. Steve M. explained that the process is at the conceptual stage, not the design stage, and the details would be worked out at a later time.
                Chief Bennett, explained that they FD is looking for a functional facility not only for today, but into the future. Need separation from other non-emergency departments, so that they can respond to emergencies. Also feels that it’s important to have expensive equipment (i.e. vehicles) in a climate-controlled space. The FD needs to be ready for a structure fire at any point and the safety of the employees.
                Chris C. recognized that the FD is asking for a 3rd drive through bay. During the Four Buildings Master Planning, JWA was told by the FSC that they did not believe that the town would approve a $9 million public safety building, and they reduced the scope accordingly, which included a reduction of a bay, but that this was only concept, and thatthe design stage would determine how many actual bays, office space, etc. as long as it fit within the budget. Chief Bennett agreed that the FD does not need all the office options shown in the conceptual design and would prefer a 3rd bay.
                Steve M. explained that the safety complex cost must be reasonable for voters to approve.
                Deputy Kelly asked how this could be relayed to the FD staff. The group came to an understanding that the issue at hand was not the design, given that a design had not been completed.  The Fire Department agreed to disseminate the information to FD staff to clear up the confusion.
                Karen asked for the Fire Department to prepare information for the public on why you need a new public safety building, including the standards. The group agreed that a one-page flyer would be suitable.
Meeting with Selectboard - FSC discussed the idea of using infrastructure stabilization funds to pay for some of the needs for short term solutions. Discussion took place about strategy on the use of the funds. Edie suggested that the Selectboard should discuss the subject further, as the money that is available may be best used for larger projects.
                Jon mentioned that we have over $1.2 million in “reserves”, $970k is in stabilization, and $250k is in a separate account for emergency repairs to four buildings. Jon also mentioned that we might have $300k in free cash availability for 2 years, making it closer to $2 million.
                Discussion on which articles should be placed and how they should be arranged. Specifically discussed whether or not the authorization for the design fee should be separate from the construction fee. Discussion on risk: if designwas designed without the construction fee authorization, then the design fee could be lost, if a future town meeting did not approve the construction cost. Edie expressed a concern with proposing an all-in cost, as it is not a traditional path, considering that the design would impact the actual  construction cost. Richy said that he would recommend two articles, 1) design and construction of the public safety complex and 2) the design and construction of Bagg Hall. Some concern was expressed that voters might approve just the Bagg Hall worked. Richy noted that this could happen regardless of how we worded the articles. He added everyone he had heard from agreed that building a public safety complex should take priority over the complete Bagg Hall renovation.

Group agreed that there should be 5 articles:
  • Bagg Hall exterior repairs.
  • Repairs on current public safety building.
  • Repairs on annex.
  • Design and construjction costs for new public safety building.
  • Design and construction costs to renovate  Bagg Hall and  build addition.
Jon mentioned that he wanted to have a community space, and that the Sonoma unit at Post Office place should be considered as an option.  . Jon asked the FSC if they had an opinion on the subject of renting a space for the council on aging.
Discussion on the timing of a town meeting and town election.

                Phil G. asked if the group has voted to release the final report. FSC responded that the final report is not ready yet. Phil pointed out that by putting the Public Safety Complex as a separate article, along with the Bagg Hall renovation as a separate article, that the FSC was opening up the concept of Option C; which would mean doing the Bagg Hall renovation and addition  before building a public safety building . Phil was concerned with the combination of the design and construction funds, given that design has not been completed.
9:10 PM After thanking the FSC for their tremendous efforts to date, the Selectboard ended their joint meeting with the FSC meeting.
9:10 PM  2017 Annual Report – On a motion by Richy, seconded by Jon, the board voted all in favor to approve the 2017 Annual Report for the Selectboard.
9:12 PM  Post Temporary Job Description for Highway Laborer – On a motion by Jon, second by Richy, the Selectboard voted all in favor for posting the temporary job description for a highway laborer.
9:13 PM  Bond bill pending – On a motion by Jon, seconded by Richy, the board voted all in favor to authorize Richy to prepare letters to the Conference Committee members on the infrastructure bond bill in an attempt to be granted funds from the state towards the town’s needed public safety building.

9:17 PM  Adjourned meeting

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, town administrator        
Referenced Documents:  2017 Annual Report; Temporary Job Description for Highway Laborer

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department